About Us
Little Lions was started when we wanted to grab a hold of Deuteronomy 6:6-7 but struggled to find something practical, biblical and easy to use. It was a nice idea to try and read Scripture over our newborn, but we struggled to think of passages on the spot, and ran out of hands during nappy changes to look them up on our phones. Furthermore, a lot of what we found online either didn’t satisfy mum’s practical desires or Dad’s biblical standard, and so we decided to create Little Lions.
Although a new child is a wonderful blessing, they are, like all of us – far from perfect. Since children sin from an early age (as we have already seen with ours), we want to bring the Gospel to them from infancy. Paul reminds us in Eph 6:10-17 to fight the schemes of the enemy with the full armour of God, and what a better way to fight lies, temptation and fleshly desires with the Sword of the SPirit – God’s truth. We therefore want to raise Little Lions, who will start to learn how to fight this life-long spiritual battle, knowing Scripture in their hearts and minds, and meditating on God’s truth everyday from an early age.
These packs will hopefully bless your family too, as you read, memorise and speak God’s word to and with your young ones. Together, may we raise Little Lions who will know the beauty of Jesus and roar his Word.
These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7